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Small pieces of plastic, now termed microplastics have infiltrated all ecosystems, posing a severe threat to wildlife…and now us. New research has shown that microplastics — especially its microscopic offspring, nanoplastics — might accumulate within our bodies, too.

| | April 18, 2024

A poignant, 2,000-year-old burial in northern Italy could be the latest evidence of an ancient friendship between man and dog.

| | April 18, 2024

A big federal research project aimed at reducing racial disparities in genetic research has unveiled the program’s first major results.

What is regenerative agriculture? Why is it different from sustainable agriculture? And how do I reconcile what practitioners of this system are claiming with the scientific evidence?

| | April 18, 2024

Today, even in the dead of winter, you can head to your local grocery and find any number of wondrous varieties that have no natural right to exist. Huge, somehow crispy blueberries; seedless grapes with vivacious flavor and a light, low-tannin skin that snaps in your mouth; enormous, hydroponically grown strawberries that make no sacrifice of flavor in their pursuit of gigantism; and so on. From stone fruits that somehow manage to taste like confections to exotic oddities once exclusive to National Geographic magazine, a world of wonder is at our fingertips.

| April 18, 2024

Later this year gene-edited crops will be planted at about two dozen commercial farms across England for the first time to see how plants previously confined to the laboratory and glasshouse will fare in real-world conditions.

Any discussion of crop chemicals must consider the broad sweep of agricultural history, the pivotal moments of technological innovation, and the diverging perspectives that have shaped the current debate around the use of chemical herbicides and genetically modified (GM) and gene edited crops.

o mRNA COVID vaccines “shed” particles? This anti-vax myth rears its ugly head yet again. Are milk and meat alternatives better for you? Are they better for the environment? Here’s why we need to do more research — and weigh nutrition losses against environmental impact. Podcast: Join hosts Dr. Liza Dunn and GLP contributor Cameron … Read more

| | April 17, 2024

When Celenise Mahmood first learned about two new gene therapies that could cure sickle cell disease, she felt a wave of relief.

| | April 17, 2024

Anti-vaccine activism never had a political affiliation: the left is concerned with avoiding anything chemical, & the right opposes mandates.

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